Bexar Republicans seek repeal of local ‘pro-homosexual policies’

Jack M. Finger is chair of a Bexar County Republican Party committee that drafted a resolution to repeal the nondiscrimination ordinance and eliminate domestic partner benefits for city and county employees. (Photo: SATV)

A resolution that will be presented at the January 8 meeting of the executive committee of the Bexar County Republican Party urges the “repeal of our local governments’ pro-homosexual policies.”

The resolution, which was circulated to local GOP precinct chairs, denounces the passage of the nondiscrimination ordinance that was approved by the City Council in September of last year, saying that it uses taxpayer dollars to :

– Allow men to freely use the women’s restroom, locker rooms and changing facilities

– Gag any city board or commission member from speaking against homosexual behavior or be subjected to the removal from the group

– Subject businesses run by people of faith to criminal penalties and expensive lawsuits if they refuse to provide services that conflict with religious beliefs relating to homosexual behavior.

The resolution also seeks to roll back domestic partner benefits to city and county employees because they give “special rights to homosexuals” and because the benefits dishonor traditional marriage.

Domestic partner benefits for city employees were approved in 2011. Last February, the Bexar County Commissioners Court, under the leadership of County Judge Nelson Wolff, approved similar benefits for county employees.

The document goes on to threaten local GOP officials and candidates who do not support the resolution saying, “if the preceding resolution does not occur . . . the Party urges voters to ‘throw the rascals out’ and elect officials who WILL carry out the resolution.”

It should come as no surprise that the chairman of the committee that drafted the resolution is Jack M. Finger, perennial City Council gadfly and self-proclaimed homophobe.

Finger was one of 14 applicants who sought to fill the unfinished term of former City Councilman Diego Bernal. During his interview with the City Council, Finger said he had “friends in the homosexual community.”

The others on the committee, who Finger thanks for helping draft the resolution, are Gene Ryder, Alma P. Jackson, Mike Hoffman, Mark Dorazio, Paula Moore, Donal Varella, Barbara “Bobbie” Mueller, Jeanine Owens, Laura Pope and Robert Wilson.

The resolution will be presented for a vote at the Bexar Republicans’ county executive committee meeting on January 8 at 6 p.m. at the Firefighters Hall, 8924 Interstate 10 Frontage Road.



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