Tag Archives: Dan Patrick

Texas Supreme Court to Hear Case Attacking Benefits of Married LGBT Couples

Texas Supreme Court to Hear Case Attacking Benefits of Married LGBT Couples

Originally published in the San Antonio Current. On Friday, the Texas Supreme Court changed its mind about hearing a case threatening the rights of married gay couples in the state. The case, brought against the City of Houston by anti-LGBT lobbyists, would specifically block same-sex spouses of government employees from receiving any health benefits (benefits

Straus Warns of Economic Consequences if Bathroom Bill Passes

Addressing the Texas Association of Business conference on January 18, Texas House Speaker Joe Straus said lawmakers should consider the economic consequences to the state if a proposed bathroom bill (SB6) is passed by the legislature. “There’s been a lot of work put into our state’s economic success. We want to continue that success, and

Dan Patrick Denies Bathroom Bill Will Hurt Texas

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick says the bathroom bill (SB6) that was introduced last week by state Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, and which he is championing, will not have an economic impact as Texas business leaders have warned. SB6 bars transgender people from using the bathroom that matches their gender identity. In an interview with the Texas

SA Politicians Speak Out Against Proposed Anti-Trans Bill

Updated on Jan. 7 at 10:00 a.m. to include a statement by District 1 City Councilman Roberto Treviño. Four San Antonio politicians issued statements on January 6 opposing a bill (SB6) introduced by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and state Sen. Lois Kolkhorst that would require Texas transgender citizens to use public bathrooms that correspond with

Lt. Gov. Patrick Unleashes Anti-Transgender Bill

Originally published in the San Antonio Current Texas Lieutenant Gov. Dan Patrick began his Thursday press conference introducing a bill that would segregate transgender people from the general public by quoting Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent on things that matter.” But not once during his press

2016 In Review: Honorable & Dishonorable Mentions

HONORABLE MENTIONS Advocate and ally: State Senator Jose Menéndez Long-considered an ally, Senator Jose Menéndez has worked to advance legislation that is beneficial to the LGBT community. Recently, Equality Texas named him one of the top five senators on LGBT issues. In April 2015, Menéndez worked to help prevent the passage of Senate Bill 2065,

Dan Patrick Continues His Bathroom Bill Tap Dance

Despite warnings from companies across Texas that a “bathroom bill” would be bad for business, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick remains steadfast in his plan to support the proposed law in the upcoming legislative session. The bill would prohibit transgender people in Texas from using bathrooms that match their gender identity. Dubbed the Women’s Privacy and

After the Vote: Looking for Silver Linings

By Daniel Williams, Guest Contributor Well, it looks like we have a President Trump, and a Republican House and Senate, and will soon have a Republican Supreme Court. Before you break out the hemlock or start booking your Canadian “vacation” here’s some rays of light, particularly as we head into Texas’ next legislative session: In

SA Small Businesses Join Effort Against LGBT Discrimination

Members of San Antonio’s small business community were on hand on October 25 for a press conference at the Havana Hotel where Equality Texas released a letter signed by over 200 small businesses from across the state voicing their opposition to any legislation which would legalize discrimination against LGBT Texans or visitors to Texas. Present
