Tag Archives: Equality Texas

Nirenberg Says LGBTs Deserve a City That Treats Them With Respect

Nirenberg Says LGBTs Deserve a City That Treats Them With Respect

Speaking to a group of LGBT supporters at a fundraiser on May 21, mayoral candidate Ron Nirenberg said that San Antonio’s LGBT citizens deserve to be treated fairly by their city government and that he was prepared to the defend the community from attack. Nirenberg’s comments were made at a fundraising event dubbed “1000 LGBTQ

Texas Equity PAC Endorses Nirenberg for Mayor

Texas Equity PAC, the registered political action committee of Equality Texas, has endorsed City Councilman Ron Nirenberg for mayor in the upcoming May 6 municipal election. In an April 28 statement, Texas Equity PAC chairman Eric Johnson said: “The Texas Equity PAC has chosen to give it’s only endorsement of the 2017 election to Ron

Anti-LGBT Religious Refusal Bills Abound in Texas Legislature

Republicans in the 85th session of the Texas Legislature are pushing a number religious refusal bills that would codify anti-LGBT discrimination into state law. State lawmakers failed to pass nearly a dozen religious refusal bills in 2015 and in 2017 are again trying to introduce legislation which uses religion to deny equality to LGBT Texans.
