Tag Archives: Louis Cintron Jr.

Allies United: Thank You for Being a Friend

Allies United: Thank You for Being a Friend

Updated October 12, 2017. In our efforts to champion each aspect of the ever-broadening LGBTQIA* umbrella, we’ve trained our focus on the letter “A.” Since the LGBTQIA* acronym has expanded and shifted over decades (and was not created by one sole entity), it’s important to note that different letters mean different things to different people:

Allies United: DeAnne Cuellar-Cintron & Louis Cintron Jr. 

DeAnne Cuellar-Cintron & Louis Cintron Jr.  Two-thirds of the way in, DeAnne Cuellar-Cintron and her partner Louis Cintron Jr. confessed that they worried our interview would seem boring. To them, their reasons for being longstanding allies to the local LGBTQ community were simple. “We got heavily involved with the LGBTQ community when we were younger
