Mayor Ivy Taylor lost the support of SA’s gay community in 2013 when, as a councilmember representing District 2, she voted against expanding the NDO to include LGBTQ protections. She doubled down on that position in this year’s mayoral race, but she won the election nonetheless, and it wasn’t without the help of her LGBTQ…
Why I don’t want to take down my Leticia yard sign
By Christine Bishop I have always paid attention to politics and I have always voted. It’s important to me to stay informed and involved. Over the past several months I spent a significant amount of time on the sidelines of the Leticia Van de Putte campaign as the girlfriend of someone working for Leticia. In…
With budget vote, mayor’s NDO proposal passes
Mayor Ivy R. Taylor’s proposal to create a Department of Diversity and Inclusion and hire a human relations liaison to run it became reality on May 14 when the City Council approved the measure as part of the city budget. The proposal, designated Item 16 in the budget, was among other items on the consent…
City’s human relations liaison is named at council budget meeting
City Manager Sheryl Sculley has named the person who will run the mayor’s proposed Department of Diversity and Inclusion. The announcement came during a budget discussion at the City Council’s B Session on May 13. The position of human relations liaison will be filled by Claryssa Cortez who, according to Sculley, currently works in the…
Equality Texas issues call to action on mayor’s NDO proposal
A call to action has gone out from Equality Texas to San Antonio’s LGBT community asking for support of Mayor Ivy R. Taylor’s proposal to establish an Office of Diversity and Inclusion and to hire a human relations liaison to run the new department. “Since the passing of the updated Non-Discrimination Ordinance in September 2013;…
SA attorney files ethics complaint against Ivy Taylor
A local attorney has filed an ethics complaint against Mayor Ivy R. Taylor for her failure to report income she received from her husband’s bail bond business on financial statements she filed with the city. On May 4, the San Antonio Express-News reported that since 2009, Taylor failed to include income from Marshall Bail Bonds…
With clock ticking, Taylor to present NDO proposal to City Council
Mayor Ivy R. Taylor is cutting it close. On May 9, she is running for reelection and may end up in a runoff against one of her opponents or she may be voted out altogether. On May 13, she will finally present to the City Council her proposal to increase the effectiveness of the city’s…
Community reacts to Taylor’s apology
San Antonio Mayor Ivy R. Taylor issued a press release at 5:30 p.m. on April 22 in which she apologizes to members of her LGBT advisory committee for statements she’s made disparaging the city’s newly revised nondiscrimination ordinance. However, the mayor’s apology has garnered little sympathy from activists in the LGBT community. On April 21,…
LGBT committee finally meets with Taylor
Members of the LGBT advisory committee finally had a meeting with Mayor Ivy R. Taylor on April 21 after waiting since last October to see her. The committee, comprised of Equality Texas community organizer Robert Salcido, LGBT liaison Marsha Warren and trans advocate Ruby Krebs, were appointed last fall to advise the mayor on developing…
Commentary: Ivy Taylor no friend to LGBT community
By Justin Nichols, Guest Contributor It’s no secret there’s little love between Mayor Ivy R. Taylor and the LGBT community. On social media she’s become known as ‘Poison Ivy.’ Make no mistake – Taylor’s stint as mayor has been, and would be, poison to our city’s LGBT population. First, there’s the issue of the nondiscrimination…