Author Archives: Faith Harper

Gender Is Between Your Ears, Not Between Your Legs (Notes on Deconstructing The Binary)

Gender Is Between Your Ears, Not Between Your Legs (Notes on Deconstructing The Binary)

I love “queer.” I see “queer” as meaning that which deviates from the script. Political resistance is “queer.” You live the best way you can, with the biggest awareness that you can, and try to mitigate suffering if you can. That’s what it means to be human. There’s no purity to one position. — Joan

An SA Transparent conversation

Last week, as Variety reported, the Amazon series Transparent made history when it won two Golden Globe Awards (best TV series, and Jeffery Tambor for best actor). It was the first time an online series won awards of that magnitude. The show itself– pardon the now oft-repeated pun–is transformative. The series, taken from creator Jill

Hey, Lena Dunham? Thank You.

“Young people do not wake up on their thirteenth birthday, somehow transformed into a sexual being overnight. Even young children are sexual in some form.”  – Heather Coleman, PhD & Grant Charles, PhD, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada and The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.   Two disclaimers: I have not read Lena Dunham’s

Go f*ck yourself

“Everyone does it, but no one admits it.” This statement almost always refers to one of two human activities. One is eating Jack in the Box egg rolls at 3 a.m. The other is masturbation. Masturbation is simply the touching of one’s genitals for the purpose of sexual pleasure. Historical records and anthropological studies indicate
