In the opening days of the 87th Legislative Session, members of the Texas House LGBTQ Caucus were named to several key positions including Speaker Pro Tem, five chair, and 12 vice chairs positions.
The Texas House LGBTQ Caucus was formed in January 2019 to “create a forum for Texas legislators to discuss issues that affect LGBTQ Texans and to further the goal of equality and justice for all Texans.”
With Rep. Mary González acting as Caucus Chair, the other original members of the caucus are: Rep. Jessica González (vice chair); Rep. Erin Zwiener (secretary); Rep. Julie Johnson (treasurer); and Rep. Celia Israel.

Founding members of the State Legislature’s LGBTQ Caucus: State Representatives Celia Israel, Mary Gonzalez, Erin Zwiener, Jessica Gonzalez and Julie Johnson. (Courtesy photo)
“If you would have told me that we would have five LGBTQ members in the Texas Legislature, I would have never believed you,” Rep. Mary González told the Dallas Morning News at the time the caucus was formed. “And all women, and all in the House.”
On February 9, 2019 the caucus added 15 new members, legislators who represent districts across Texas.
“Congratulations to our LGBTQ Caucus members on their recent appointments to leadership positions for this 87th Legislative Session,” Rep. Gonsalez said in a February 9, 2021 press release. “Your skillset and ability are worthy of being recognized, and we are confident that you will be critical leaders in efforts to help Texas recover from the COVID-19 pandemicand achieve lasting change for Texans of all backgrounds and experiences.”
Following is complete list of appointments for the 2021 session.
Speaker Pro Tem
Rep. Joe Moody, District 78, El Paso
Chair positions:
Rep. Rafael Anchia, Pensions, Investments, & Financial Services
Rep. Garnet Coleman, County Affairs
Rep. Nicole Collier , Criminal Jurisprudence
Rep. Philip Cortez, Urban Affairs
Rep. Victoria Neave, Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Rep. Senfronia Thompson, Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Rep Chris Turner, Business & Industry
Vice Chair positions:
Rep. Alma Allen, Corrections
Rep. Rhetta Bowers, Homeland Security & Public Safety
Rep. Alex Dominguez, Environmental Regulation/Local & Consent Calendars
Rep. Barbara Gervin-Hawkins, Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Rep. Jessica Gonzalez, Elections
Rep. Mary Gonzalez, Appropriations
Rep. Ana Hernandez, State Affairs
Rep. Joe Moody, Calendars
Rep. Christina Morales, International Relations & Economic Development
Rep. Victoria Neave, General Investigating
Rep. Toni Rose, Redistricting
Rep. Shawn Thierry, Ways & Means