Tag Archives: Fiesta

SAAF Announces Return of WEBB Party in 2017

SAAF Announces Return of WEBB Party in 2017

After a year-long hiatus, the San Antonio AIDS Foundation announced the return of the WEBB Party on April 21, 2017 as an official Fiesta San Antonio event to be held at the historic Bonham Exchange nightclub. As one of SAAF’s signature fundraising events, the WEBB generally attracts over 1,500 guests and helps raise over $100,000 annually for

Gene Elder interviews photographer Susan Riley

“My shots of Elvis Presley from a concert here in San Antonio have been lost to the universe.” Gene: Hi, Susan. Welcome to my humble Chartreuse Couch. I am so glad you could be here to talk about your photography for Fotoseptiembre. Just move those pillows over and sit and feel the love. Susan: Hey,

Record Cornyation funds distributed to local AIDS charities

A record $200,000 was award to the San Antonio Aids Foundation (“SAAF”), Black Effort Against the Threat (“BEAT”) AIDS, and four Robert Rehm scholarships thanks to Fiesta Cornyation 2015’s immense success this past April. This year, Cornyation was able to give away $180,000 to local AIDS charities–with $90,000 each going to SAAF and BEAT AIDS. Interim Executive Director

How Cornyation became the ruling roué of Fiesta

Cornyation was an important part of the democratization of Fiesta. Children fidgeted and adults downed the last of their longneck beers as they waited for the show to begin. The sweeping Arneson River Theatre was in the middle of the Night in Old San Antonio (NIOSA) midway, pushed against the edge of the river. The
