Tag Archives: bisexuality

The Pursuit of Love: Navigating Sexuality Through a Transgender Lens

The Pursuit of Love: Navigating Sexuality Through a Transgender Lens

The first time I ever “came out” as anything was in seventh grade. I had let a very, very small handful of friends know that I thought I was bisexual, as I had found myself developing crushes on people regardless of their gender. However, since these so-called friends coded me as a gay boy, most

A polyfidelitous family fights 
to keep their kids

“My kids don’t see what goes on in our bedroom. We sleep.”  After the housing crash of 2008, James Lowe, a former construction worker, moved to San Antonio from his hometown of Columbus, Ohio. With him came Elizabeth. The two were close friends at the time and hoped to find a better life in San

My kid came out to me…and now to you

I talk about my children quite often in my writing and my speaking engagements. But I only talk about what they are comfortable with me saying, and at the level they are comfortable with. They tend to be pretty open, but this particular bit of information isn’t something I have shared in the past. Why
