Tag Archives: Michael Mehl

On the Chartreuse Couch: Gene Elder interviews Ann Kinser and Michael Mehl

On the Chartreuse Couch: Gene Elder interviews Ann Kinser and Michael Mehl

Gene: Ann, Michael have a seat on the sofa. Thanks for joining me and millions of others around the world. Michael, we know you are the spark that ignited the fire for Fotoseptiembre and we should talk about that. And Ann you were a major highlight at Cornyation for several early years, and I know a

Gene Elder interviews photographer Susan Riley

“My shots of Elvis Presley from a concert here in San Antonio have been lost to the universe.” Gene: Hi, Susan. Welcome to my humble Chartreuse Couch. I am so glad you could be here to talk about your photography for Fotoseptiembre. Just move those pillows over and sit and feel the love. Susan: Hey,
