Author Archives: Dan R. Goddard

The Otherworldly Work of ‘Trans-Dimensional’ Artist McKay Otto

The Otherworldly Work of ‘Trans-Dimensional’ Artist McKay Otto

In the Silo of McKays at the Hill Country Science Mill in Johnson City, Wimberley artist McKay Otto has placed seven Tibetan singing bowls below seven abstract paintings inside the 40-foot-tall repurposed grain silo. When one of the bowls is struck with a wooden mallet, the distinctive ringing tone sets off subtle, ethereal vibrations that

The Art and Activism of San Antonio Native Donald Moffett

As a little-understood plague decimated the gay community, San Antonio-born artist Donald Moffett had a life-changing experience when he heard about Larry Kramer’s call to action in March 1987 at the Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center in New York, the founding moment for the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power, best known as ACT UP.
