Tag Archives: San Antonio Missions

Singer Mikah Meyer Visits SA as Part of National Park Roadtrip

Singer Mikah Meyer Visits SA as Part of National Park Roadtrip

Professional countertenor Mikah Meyer is on a quest to become the youngest person to visit all 411 parks in the National Park System during a single trip. The Nebraska native is currently in San Antonio marking his 129th stop visiting the San Antonio Missions National Historical Park. “The main motivation is just truly living to

Most Influential 2015: Henry Munoz

In 2013, Henry Muñoz was elected Finance Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, the first Latino to serve in the position, and, he notes, the first openly gay man to do so. But that’s old news in today’s voracious ouroborus news cycles, even if we are already deep in the maw of a presidential campaign.
