Tag Archives: satire

Ray Chavez Recalls Cornyation Antics Through the Ages

Ray Chavez Recalls Cornyation Antics Through the Ages

“Ray is the heart and soul of Cornyation … it wouldn’t be here without him.” The house was packed and Cornyation was in full swing. The music was blaring, the stage lights glaring, and a group of actors and dancers were performing in another outlandish skit to thunderous roars, when, suddenly, a dancer took an unscripted nosedive

How Cornyation became the ruling roué of Fiesta

Cornyation was an important part of the democratization of Fiesta. Children fidgeted and adults downed the last of their longneck beers as they waited for the show to begin. The sweeping Arneson River Theatre was in the middle of the Night in Old San Antonio (NIOSA) midway, pushed against the edge of the river. The
