Tag Archives: STDs

With Infection Rates on the Rise, Metro Health Promotes Testing During STD Awareness Month

With Infection Rates on the Rise, Metro Health Promotes Testing During STD Awareness Month

April is STD Awareness Month and the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District is using the occasion to initiate its new mobile testing van along with a campaign to test at least 4,000 Bexar County residents for sexually transmitted diseases. The campaign, tagged #IKnowMyStatusSA, kicked off last week with the testing van traveling the city manned

Answering your kid’s sex questions

When By “Daisy Chain” They Don’t Mean the Beading Pattern  I brought my bio daughter and bonus daughter to the gynecologist a couple of  years ago. Both got annual exams and both were discussing birth control options with the doc. So the doc got to hear my speech with both of them about pregnancy prevention
