Treat all Texans fairly, equally and without bias

State Rep. Rick Miller (R-Sugar Land) with Lt. Govenor Dan Patrick, who endorsed Miller's campaign. Miller introduced a bill that would bar cities from adopting or enforcing nondiscrimination ordinances that include protected classes not contained in state law. State law omits protections for LGBT Texans. (Photo:

State Rep. Rick Miller
Texas House District 26
P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768

Dear Representative Miller,

I’m writing to express my very serious concern about your proposed bill (HB 1556) undoing LGBT protections that have passed in cities with a combined population of more than 7.5 million, including Austin, Dallas, El Paso, Fort Worth, Houston, Plano and San Antonio.

When I read of your gay son Beau’s very moving response to your not quite understandable action I was motivated to write you. I am a fifth generation Texan – in one county alone! We are ranchers. I’m also a published author, recently inducted into the Texas Institute of Letters, a Board member of the Texas Historical Foundation as well as Board Member of the Greater Edwards Aquifer Authority. I am a proud Texan and I love my state just as you do.

I’m also a GAY, tax paying citizen. I pay taxes in FIVE Texas counties, Rep. Miller – Atascosa, McMullen, Duval, Bexar and Jasper. Am I now to be treated as a second-class citizen as a result of your impending bill? Why? My tax dollars are of course worthy – but basically I need to pay up and then shut up? Is that a fair way to treat fellow Texans? Taxation without representation? We fought very long and hard here in San Antonio to achieve our non-discrimination ordinance. I don’t really understand what the stated goal of your bill is about other than returning millions of Texans to an unprotected, uncertain and deeply divisive existence.

The GLBT population of Texas is largely defenseless as it stands today. Would it bother you if your son was fired from his job because he was gay? Would it bother you that you son could be evicted from his apartment because he was gay? Would it concern you at all that your son was denied insurance because of his sexual orientation?

For MILLIONS of Texas this is indeed a very, very serious concern. Your proposed bill seeks to eviscerate discrimination protection on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. I think we can safely say that Marriage Equality will be the law of the land by summertime. Why now, Rep. Miller – why now are you lashing out against your fellow Texans? What is your purpose other than to placate bigotry and foolishness?

And why does ones individual religious preference and beliefs supersede my rights as a fellow citizen? Can you explain that one? We’re not asking that someone stop believing in their faith – far from it.


William Jack Sibley


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