Author Archives: Sam Sanchez

Presa House Exhibition “Cicatrices” Focuses on Work by Gay Artist Jose Villalobos

Presa House Exhibition “Cicatrices” Focuses on Work by Gay Artist Jose Villalobos

Work by gay San Antonio artist Jose Villalobos will take center stage at the Presa House Gallery in an exhibit that opens on March 1. The title of the show, Cicatrices, translates into English as “Scars.” Last January, Villalobos was the recipient of a $25,000 Painters and Sculptors grant from the Joan Mitchell Foundation. He

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick Advances Bills by Two Anti-LGBT Senators

Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick has advanced two bills in the Senate that would allow professionals who provide health and counseling services to discriminate based on their “sincerely held religious beliefs.” The first bill, SB 444, which was introduced by Sen. Charles Perry (R-Lubbock), applies to anyone holding or applying for a professional license. The

Cornyation’s ‘Cheap and Raunchy Romans’ Prepare for King’s Coming Out Party

The folks at Fiesta Cornyation are busy preparing to officially introduce this year’s King Anchovy LIV, Mindy Miller Hill, at a February 22 soiree themed “Cheap and Raunchy Romans.” While the King’s Coming Out Party is the first official appearance by King Anchovy, Hill’s name was leaked last October during the 80th birthday party for
