Updated: October 19, 2017 4:00 p.m. This article was updated to include replies from Beasley Automotive and from Mr. Rudkin’s attorney. A car dealership in Austin, which is being sued for discrimination by a transgender employee, says freedom of speech gave the company the right to out the employee to other staff members. On August…

After Three Months in Office, San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg Ratifies His Commitment to LGBTQ Rights
After Three Months in Office, San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg Ratifies His Commitment to LGBTQ Rights
On June 10, Ron Nirenberg did the unthinkable: After two terms as a Councilman for the Northside District 8, he defeated Mayor Ivy Taylor by a convincing 54.59 to 45.41 percent margin (the first time in 20 years that a candidate defeated a San Antonio mayor seeking reelection), and he did it his way: neither…
Fiesta Youth’s Halloween Hocus Pocus Fundraiser Marks Fourth Year
The fall party season would not be complete without Fiesta Youth’s annual Halloween Hocus Pocus fundraiser, which this year slated for October 21 at the Arbor House Suites in the heart of downtown San Antonio. The Arbor House Suites, the city’s only gay-owned bed and breakfast, consists of four, 125-year-old two-story Queen Ann Colonial Revival…
Openly gay judge announces run for Texas Supreme Court
A state district court judge from Houston has announced his candidacy for a seat on the Texas Supreme Court, a move which makes him the first openly gay candidate to run for the state’s highest court. Judge Steven Kirkland of Harris County’s 334th Civil District Court made his announcement on Thursday, October 12. He will…
SA LGBT Car Club to Host Golden Ghouls Auto Show on Main Avenue Strip
With Halloween just around the corner, the San Antonio Classic Chassis Car Club will host the Golden Ghouls Car Show on October 21 in the parking garage above Luther’s Cafe. The local chapter of Classic Chassis is affiliated with the Lambda Car Club which nationwide has over 2200 members who are the owners of over 1700…
SA Coming Out Day to be Celebrated at Mission Marquee Plaza
The San Antonio LGBT Chamber of Commerce is planning to celebrate the the 29th anniversary of National Coming Out Day on October 14 at Mission Marquee Plaza on the city’s Southeast Side. National Coming Out Day is observed annually to raise awareness of the importance of “coming out” — a process of disclosing one’s sexual…
Allies United: Thank You for Being a Friend
Updated October 12, 2017. In our efforts to champion each aspect of the ever-broadening LGBTQIA* umbrella, we’ve trained our focus on the letter “A.” Since the LGBTQIA* acronym has expanded and shifted over decades (and was not created by one sole entity), it’s important to note that different letters mean different things to different people:…
Allies United: Jody Bailey Newman & Steve Newman
Jody Bailey Newman & Steve Newman “When Jesse Mata asked us to talk to Elaine [Wolff] and Ray [Chavez] about Cornyation 2014, I was sure they were going to ask Steve to be King Anchovy,” says Jody Bailey Newman — and they did. “But then there was one more question: ‘Will you be Queen Anchovy?’…
Allies United: Emily Leeper
Emily Leeper When Emily Leeper’s then 14-year-old daughter Jackson confided in her that she was gay, she let her child know she would always love and support her. “She said she wanted to be around other youth, who shared her experience,” Leeper said, “so I went online and tried to find some [LGBTQ] youth support…
Allies United: Texas State Representative Diego Bernal
Texas State Representative Diego Bernal Despite the fact that both of his parents, his father a farmworker and his mother an educator, were civil rights activists in their own realms, State Representative and former San Antonio Councilman Diego Bernal told Out In SA, with the kind of unsparing candor that is so needed, that he…