Originally published in the San Antonio Current. With the Texas Legislature’s special session a week away, tech company IBM has ramped up its efforts to oppose the s0-called “bathroom bill” for its discriminatory effects against transgender Texans. The company, which has 10,000 employees in Texas purchased full-page advertisements in the Dallas Morning News, San Antonio…
This Week’s Biggest Asshats in the ‘Bathroom’ Debate
As the debate over which public bathroom transgender people should be allowed to use continues, one thing has become increasingly clear: The people arguing against such rights have little to zero knowledge of what it means to be transgender. From politicians to television sports analysts, many have weighed in with poorly informed opinions. Here’s a roundup…
Dad2: Retying the knot
This may be a shock to some of our friends, but we have decided to wait to get married! Well, okay, in our minds we have been married all this time: Ten years to be exact. I mean “exact,” as we recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of what has to be one of the most…
Perving in the Age of the Digital Footprint
My friend Harley* recently moved from the West Coast to the deep, deep South. And he called me because he was having a serious problem. You see, Harley is: Clearly not White. Clearly not Christian. On the upper end of the freak scale, sexually A federal employee. This move (concomitant with a nice federal promotion)…
The sincerest form of flattery? One design, two SA designers
Anyone who knows anything about what San Antonio is like at its deepest, darkest core knows that our fair “city on the rise” is also the “biggest small town in Texas.” You can’t throw a stone without hitting someone who goes to the same salon. You can’t surf your Grindr without recognizing someone that comes…