Tag Archives: Jeff Sessions

2017 in Review: A Year in the Life of LGBT SA

2017 in Review: A Year in the Life of LGBT SA

A select month-by-month recap of stories about our community reported here and elsewhere in 2017. JANUARY Jeffrey James is Fiesta Cornyation’s King Anchovy LII The board of directors of Fiesta Cornyation, billed as “the raunchiest, cheapest event of Fiesta,” announced in January that this year’s King Anchovy LII was Jeffrey James, the proprietor of James

City of SA Stands Behind Trans Employees After AG Sessions Reverses Federal Job Protections

Officials from the City of San Antonio released statements in support of the city’s transgender employees after U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memo reversing a Justice Department policy that protected trans workers from discrimination under federal law. “Title VII’s prohibition on sex discrimination encompasses discrimination between men and women but does not encompass
