Tag Archives: LGBT

How Cornyation became the ruling roué of Fiesta

How Cornyation became the ruling roué of Fiesta

Cornyation was an important part of the democratization of Fiesta. Children fidgeted and adults downed the last of their longneck beers as they waited for the show to begin. The sweeping Arneson River Theatre was in the middle of the Night in Old San Antonio (NIOSA) midway, pushed against the edge of the river. The

Join the 2015 CMI LGBT Community Survey

Dear Out In SA readers, We encourage you to take the 9th CMI LGBT Community Survey about your opinions and preferences, from an LGBT perspective. There’s power in our Pride! Participating in this study helps open doors-and minds-around the world, and influences positive changes for our community. Previous surveys have yielded 45,000 respondents from 150 countries!

Was Jesus gay?

Was Jesus gay? Believe it or not, some very interesting moments exist in the Bible that imply certain intriguing possibilities. “Preposterous!” devout fundamentalists proclaim. Really? More preposterous than claiming Jesus would be against food stamps, universal health care, immigration and queers? There are dozens of examples of Jesus feeding the poor and entreating his followers

Tracking queer couples and gentrification

The relationship between the queer community and gentrification can be slippery to define, in part because the latter term is sometimes used loosely. But conventional wisdom assumes a causal relationship: “While GLBTQ people in general are participants in gentrification, gay men in particular are often at the vanguard of gentrifying neighborhoods,” writes sociologist Mikaila Mariel

LGBT parents and the pressure to be perfect

If we fail, do we let the LGBT community down and prove our opponents’ beliefs true? It happened again. We were sitting at a restaurant–husband, two sons, and me. “Two checks?” asked the waitress. I’m always surprised. Our stock answer: “No, one family.” Then, an askance head cock, shoulder shrug, or a mildly perplexed look

Trauma isn’t confined to the battlefield

In 2015, transgender military members risk administrative separation, meaning the person is forced out of the service, typically with no educational or retirement benefits.   Love and change are not mutually exclusive terms. Unfortunately, fear creeps in when there is change. I love this country and tear up when the national anthem is played. Lately,

Responding to bigotry with style and grace

Well, the holidays are long gone, and I’d like to point out the obvious now that the threat of spoilers is over: No, Timmy, there is no Santa Claus, and yes, the Bible does condemn homosexuality. Wait … don’t close that tab! During the winter break, a lot of folks came out to their loved

GLAAD TO KNOW YOU at the Overtime Theatre

Written by Chadd Green and Lee Hurtado. Directed by Morgan Clyde. Featuring Justin Bankston, Chris Kelly, Derek Berlin, Vicky Liendo, Jeremy Talamantez, Jenny Taylor, Michele Wisniewski, and Molly Walker. There’s enough energy to power half a dozen plays in the Overtime’s production of GLAAD to Know You by Chadd Green and Lee Hurtado. The story
