New Board and Logo Unveiled at LGBT Chamber Luncheon

The San Antonio LGBT Chamber of Commerce unveiled new branding and a newly-elected executive board at its annual awards luncheon on March 23 at the Plaza Club.

New chamber board members David Solis, Renee Garvens and Jessica Salinas. (Photos: Facebook)

The new board members are: David Solis, head of Security Operations for IBC Bank, who will serve as president; Renee Garvens, senior director of Community & Donor Relations at Roy Maas Youth Alternatives, who will serve as vice-president; and Jessica Salinas, the proprietor of Ingeniously Designed by Jess, who will serve as secretary.

Awards were presented to Diane Centeno and Martin Acevedo. (Photos: Linked-In and Facebook)

Awards were also presented to two chamber members. The Chamber Champion Award was given to Diane Centeno, vice president of Marketing at Sea World. Martin Acevedo, the San Antonio Area Foundations’s director of Development and Inclusive Philanthropy, received the Advocate of the Year Award.

The chamber introduced a new logo which is part of an expanded branding program which includes new membership plans that bring additional value to members.

According to a chamber press release: “The logo is composed of eight triangles arranged to form the letter “S”, out of the eight triangles, one represents the letter “A” in an abstract composition forming “SA”, acronym for San Antonio. The usage of the hot pink color depicts San Antonio’s vibrant, friendly, and diverse culture as well as LGBT pride. The triangle is also recognized by the LGBT community second only to the rainbow flag. It is reminiscent of the past and the continued quest for equality and inclusion.”

The re-branding included a change to the URL of the chamber’s web site from to


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