Tag Archives: Ana Sandoval

2017 in Review: A Year in the Life of LGBT SA

2017 in Review: A Year in the Life of LGBT SA

A select month-by-month recap of stories about our community reported here and elsewhere in 2017. JANUARY Jeffrey James is Fiesta Cornyation’s King Anchovy LII The board of directors of Fiesta Cornyation, billed as “the raunchiest, cheapest event of Fiesta,” announced in January that this year’s King Anchovy LII was Jeffrey James, the proprietor of James

LGBT Community Fails to Raise Funds for Rainbow Crosswalks

Updated: Dec. 21, 2016, 9:00 p.m. San Antonio’s LGBT community has failed to meet the goal of raising $30,000 by the end of the year to help pay for rainbow crosswalks on the Main Avenue Strip. Only $2,700 of the goal was reached via a Kickstarter campaign which was initiated in late October. Organizers say

Students and SA City Leaders Take Anti-Bullying Pledge

San Antonio City leaders, along with scores of local teens, stood on the steps of City Hall on August 16 and took a pledge against cyberbullying. Among those present at Wednesday’s press conference were San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg, State Sen. José Menéndez, Police Chief William McManus, City Councilwoman Ana Sandoval and City Councilman Clayton

Stonewall Democrats Endorse Nirenberg for Mayor

The Stonewall Democrats of San Antonio endorsed City Councilman Ron Nirenberg for mayor at their candidate endorsement forum on March 26. Endorsements were also made in all 10 City Council districts. To be eligible for an endorsement, candidates had to fill out a questionnaire and appear at the forum to make a short presentation and
