Author Archives: Sam Sanchez

City of SA Stands Behind Trans Employees After AG Sessions Reverses Federal Job Protections

City of SA Stands Behind Trans Employees After AG Sessions Reverses Federal Job Protections

Officials from the City of San Antonio released statements in support of the city’s transgender employees after U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memo reversing a Justice Department policy that protected trans workers from discrimination under federal law. “Title VII’s prohibition on sex discrimination encompasses discrimination between men and women but does not encompass

Dignity SA Observes Solidarity Sunday

On October 8, Dignity San Antonio will mark the 22nd annual Solidarity Sunday, the organization’s faith-based anti-violence initiative. Solidarity Sunday is observed annually across the country on the Sunday before National Coming Out Day which is on October 11. Dignity SA’s service will be held at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. DignityUSA started Solidarity Sunday in

Eric Alva Marries Danny Ingram

In a ceremony on September 21 at the Bexar County Courthouse, retired Marine Staff Sergeant Eric Fidelis Alva married David Daniel (Danny) Ingram, an Army veteran and former technical analyst at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The couple was married by Judge Genie Wright with a small group of friends and family present to witness
