Tag Archives: Roberto Trevino

Sitting Down with Unerasable Graciela Sanchez

Sitting Down with Unerasable Graciela Sanchez

Originally published in the San Antonio Current. I’m sitting at Sweet Yams Café on the city’s East Side with Graciela Sanchez, director of the Esperanza Peace and Justice Center. The sunlight cascades down the right side of her face through the adjacent window, giving her a resplendent glow. Sanchez, who has devoted her life to

Fundraising Begins for Main Avenue Rainbow Crosswalks

An effort to raise $30,000 to help pay for the installation of rainbow crosswalks at the corner of North Main and East Evergreen has begun in earnest with an online campaign on Kickstarter. In June, District 1 City Councilman Roberto C. Treviño, submitted a Council Consideration Request seeking the council’s approval for the crosswalks. The

City Council Governance Committee Approves Rainbow Crosswalks

Members of the San Antonio City Council’s Governance committee on August 2 voted to approve the installation of rainbow crosswalks at the corner of North Main and East Evergreen avenues. “The measure is approved and will launch as a pilot program and report back to transportation committee six months after installation. We hope to have

Dan Patrick Denies Bathroom Bill Will Hurt Texas

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick says the bathroom bill (SB6) that was introduced last week by state Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, and which he is championing, will not have an economic impact as Texas business leaders have warned. SB6 bars transgender people from using the bathroom that matches their gender identity. In an interview with the Texas
