Author Archives: Sam Sanchez

Town Hall to Address Refusal of Service to LGBTs After SCOTUS Masterpiece Cakeshop Decision

Town Hall to Address Refusal of Service to LGBTs After SCOTUS Masterpiece Cakeshop Decision

Last June, in a 7-2 decision, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of the owner of the Masterpiece Cakeshop in Colorado, absolving him from legal liability for refusing to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple because it went against his religious beliefs. While many legal experts have maintained the

Trial Begins for SA Man Accused of Stabbing Boyfriend to Death

The trial of a 32-year-old San Antonio man accused of murdering his boyfriend in October 2015 began on Tuesday, June 19 in the 186th state District Court, presided by Judge Jefferson Moore. David Asa Villarreal, who has pleaded not guilty, allegedly murdered his boyfriend, 29-year-old Aaron Estrada, by stabbing him to death in their apartment
