Author Archives: Sam Sanchez

Save the Dates: End of Summer Brings Autumn Events

Save the Dates: End of Summer Brings Autumn Events

The end of summer marks the beginning of fundraising season for organizations in San Antonio’s LGBT community. While events are held year-round, the fall and winter are when many local nonprofits schedule fundraisers and signature events. The first weekend of autumn will feature the BEAT AIDS Annual Banquet marking its 30th anniversary on September 22

New Program Seeks to Improve Health of Trans Texans

A collaborative effort initiated between the Texas Health Institute and the Equality Texas Foundation will work to improve the health of transgender, gender non-binary, and intersex Texans. The new program, the Texas Transgender Health Program, aims to address the fact that when compared to the general population, transgender people disproportionately lack affordable health services and

Mayor Nirenberg Appoints Liaison to LGBT Community

San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg announced on September 6 that he is appointing a liaison to the LGBT community. Juany Torres, who currently serves as senior policy advisor and director of community engagement in the Office of the Mayor, will serve as the point of contact between Nirenberg and the LGBT community. “Our entire city

A New Adobe Studio for MujerArtes

The women of the Esperanza Peace and Justice Center’s MujerArtes clay cooperative have reason to celebrate with the opening of their new studio — a building made entirely compressed earth blocks, otherwise known as adobe. The new building, which opens on September 9, is located at 816 S. Colorado and will take it’s place alongside

LGBT Groups Seek Support for Harvey Victims

Even as rain continues to pummel East Texas, LGBT organizations are mobilizing to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey with a focus on members of our community. In Houston, a city of over 2.5 million people, flooding has been pervasive and displaced thousands. Following is a list of groups seeking help in raising funds and

San Antonio: Are You Ready for Harvey?

Rumor has it that upon learning of the approach of Hurricane Harvey, San Antonians descended upon local H-E-B grocery stores and completely depleted their supply of water, beer and tortillas. Joking aside, the National Hurricane Center has warned that those in the storm’s path should not underestimate the severity of the situation. The National Weather
