The Stonewall Democrats of San Antonio elected a new slate of officers at their monthly meeting on Monday, January 16. Heading up the board of directors will be new co-chairs Ellen Stephens and Chris Forbrich. Carolee Moore, a former co-chair, will now serve as secretary. Other board members are: Vincent Enriquez, Dee Villarrubia and Sharon…
Straus Warns of Economic Consequences if Bathroom Bill Passes
Addressing the Texas Association of Business conference on January 18, Texas House Speaker Joe Straus said lawmakers should consider the economic consequences to the state if a proposed bathroom bill (SB6) is passed by the legislature. “There’s been a lot of work put into our state’s economic success. We want to continue that success, and…
Lady Base Exhibition Features Work by SA Women Artists
Lady Base Gallery, a group created in 2013 to support local women and LGBT artists, unveils a new show on January 19 at the city-owned Plaza de Armas Gallery. The show, which is curated by gallerist, artist and Lady Base founder Sarah Castillo, features the work of Kim Bishop, Anel I. Flores, Suzy Gonzalez, Julia…
Keeping Track of Pro and Anti-LGBT Bills in Texas Legislature
The 85th Texas Legislature opened on January 10, starting a 140-day work session with a Republican majority. So far this session, 17 pro-LGBT bills and four anti-LGBT bills have been filed. Among the bills proposed to benefit LGBT Texans is legislation repealing laws that are still on the books which punish homosexual conduct; prohibiting discrimination…
Dan Patrick Denies Bathroom Bill Will Hurt Texas
Lt. Governor Dan Patrick says the bathroom bill (SB6) that was introduced last week by state Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, and which he is championing, will not have an economic impact as Texas business leaders have warned. SB6 bars transgender people from using the bathroom that matches their gender identity. In an interview with the Texas…
LGBT Activists Invite Community to MLK March
When local activists Darrell Garcia Parsons and his husband, Jason Garcia Parsons, learned that no local LGBT group was organizing the community to participate in the city’s Martin Luther King, Jr. March on January 16, they decided to take on the task themselves. “Jason and I were planning on marching anyways and had not heard…
Could an Anti-Cyberbullying Bill Do More Harm Than Good For Texas Kids?
Originally published in the San Antonio Current In December, a pair of San Antonio state lawmakers filed a bill to address what seems to be a universally agreed-upon menace: Cyberbullying. In particular, aggressive cyberbullying across social media platforms by school-aged kids — the kind that can push kids to commit suicide. But with its focus…
SA Politicians Speak Out Against Proposed Anti-Trans Bill
Updated on Jan. 7 at 10:00 a.m. to include a statement by District 1 City Councilman Roberto Treviño. Four San Antonio politicians issued statements on January 6 opposing a bill (SB6) introduced by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and state Sen. Lois Kolkhorst that would require Texas transgender citizens to use public bathrooms that correspond with…
Lt. Gov. Patrick Unleashes Anti-Transgender Bill
Originally published in the San Antonio Current Texas Lieutenant Gov. Dan Patrick began his Thursday press conference introducing a bill that would segregate transgender people from the general public by quoting Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent on things that matter.” But not once during his press…
Citing Trump and Taylor, SA Women’s Group Plans ‘March Against Hate’
Calling out what they say are similarities between President-elect Donald J. Trump and San Antonio Mayor Ivy R. Taylor, Mujeres Marcharan, organizers of the San Antonio International Woman’s Day March, are planning an event on January 21 dubbed, “From Trump to Taylor, SA Women March Against Hate.” The march, which takes place on the day…