Tag Archives: LGBT

My Two Loves, the bisexual love story made in SA

My Two Loves, the bisexual love story made in SA

Some of you may remember a delightful movie that was completely filmed here in San Antonio titled My Two Loves. It starred Lynn Redgrave and Mariette Hartley. In My Two Loves, Gail Springer (Mariette Hartley) plays a widow who is courted by her dead husband’s best friend Ben (Barry Newman). Her search for emotional stability leads her

Exit interview: Police Chief William McManus

Last July, San Antonio Police Chief William McManus announced he would be leaving the department at the end of the year to accept a position at CPS Energy heading up the utility’s security operations. McManus, a native of Philadelphia, came to San Antonio in the summer of 2006. He spent 23 years on the Washington

Opening hearts and minds, one episode at a time

Round and round and round she goes. “Come on, dad. Just do it.” I’m no fun, I guess. At least if fun includes signing up for every get-rich-quick or everyone’s-a-winner contest. But there we were, licking our wounds after a dispiriting Rampage rout at the AT&T Center, looking for some fun. Our youngest son, D,

Dr. Stone dissects anti-gay rhetoric

Special rights! Girls’ bathrooms! Every child needs a mother and a father! Pray the gay away! Many of us were involved in the successful campaign last year to pass a city-wide non-discrimination ordinance here in San Antonio that has protections for sexual orientation and gender identity. And during Citizens to Be Heard meetings and protests,

View of Reality from a Chartreuse Couch: Del Shores

Gene: Del, welcome to the Chartreuse Couch again. You look fabulous. Many in San Antonio will remember you and your play presented here in 2007 at the Church Theatre, Southern Baptist Sissies, which is now a film. Let’s start with that. How has that been going? Slide your butt onto the Chartreuse and feel the love. Del: It’s been an amazing

In defense of a second season for ‘Looking’

The second season of Looking premieres January 11, 2015. HBO’s Looking is worth a second look, particularly if you’ve heard the buzz about last year’s terrible first episodes—the epitome of Bad Gay Art. Roughly modeled on such socio-sexual buddy series as Sex and the City and Entourage, Andrew Haigh and Michael Lannan’s project puts an

Talking about the bi bias

Greedy. Annoying. Selfish. Undecided. Gluttonous. Confused. Complex. Mysterious. Just a phase. HOT. OK if it’s girls. Lucky. Sluts. Purgatory. Evolved. Devolved. Playing with a full deck. Beer Bi. Negotiable. Rare. Unicorn. No! Heteroflexible. Swinger. Threesomes! Liars. Just experimenting. No man’s land. More options. Ugh, really? Narnia. Flirts. Nonexistent. Fluid. Too many fluids. Unfortunate. Unlimited. Why
