Author Archives: Sam Sanchez

LGBT Employment Issues Are Focus of Queer Corazones Resource Fair

LGBT Employment Issues Are Focus of Queer Corazones Resource Fair

The Queer Corazones de Esperanza are hosting a resource fair and panel discussion on June 9 which will address issues and topics relating to LGBT employment. According to the press release, the purpose of the event is to facilitate conversations about the conditions and experiences of LGBT individuals at their places of employment. One issue

LezRideSA Offering Grants to LGBT Youth Groups

LezRideSA announced this week that is accepting applications from local LGBT youth organizations for two $500 LezFund Grants it will award this summer. The grants would be used by the youth organizations to promote or sponsor healthy activities like dance, sports, hiking, cycling and team building events. Underwriting for the grants is being provided by

Mayor’s LGBTQ Advisory Committee Set to Meet for First Time

Members of San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg’s newly-appointed LGBTQ Advisory Committee are set to have their first meeting on Thursday, May 31 at the Central Library Auditorium. The gathering marks the first time the mayor will have the opportunity to meet the 15 members of the committee face to face since they were chosen. Future

After Runoff, Three LGBT Texans Will Run for Congress

Three LGBT Congressional candidates from Texas scored victories in the Democratic Party runoff on May 22 and will now advance to face Republican challengers in the November election. Lorie Burch from Plano, Gina Ortiz Jones from San Antonio and Eric Holguin from Corpus Christi easily won their races with large majorities. One candidate, Mary Street

Suspect Arrested In Choking Death of Dallas Trans Woman

Police have arrested a male suspect in the murder of a Dallas trans woman after finding items belonging to the victim in his car during a traffic stop near Huntsville, Texas. On May 17, Jimmy Eugene Johnson III was charged with capital murder in the death of Carla Patricia Flores-Pavon, who was found in critical
