Tag Archives: Jose Menendez

2017 in Review: A Year in the Life of LGBT SA

2017 in Review: A Year in the Life of LGBT SA

A select month-by-month recap of stories about our community reported here and elsewhere in 2017. JANUARY Jeffrey James is Fiesta Cornyation’s King Anchovy LII The board of directors of Fiesta Cornyation, billed as “the raunchiest, cheapest event of Fiesta,” announced in January that this year’s King Anchovy LII was Jeffrey James, the proprietor of James

Marriage Equality Pioneer Mark Phariss to Run for Texas Senate

Plano attorney Mark Phariss, who in 2013 was a plaintiff in the successful Texas marriage equality lawsuit, announced his candidacy for Texas Senate District 8, which covers portions of Collin and Dallas counties. The District 8 seat has been held by Republican Van Taylor who is vacating the office to run for Congress. Phariss will

Anti-Cyberbullying Activists Wanted a Texas Law With “Teeth.” They May Have Gotten One.

By Kirby Wilson, The Texas Tribune Just months after her son David took his own life, Maurine Molak began to organize. She and her husband, Matt, who live in San Antonio, founded David’s Legacy Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to cyberbullying victim advocacy. Maurine said they met with lawmakers, law enforcement officials, district attorneys, school administrators,

Students and SA City Leaders Take Anti-Bullying Pledge

San Antonio City leaders, along with scores of local teens, stood on the steps of City Hall on August 16 and took a pledge against cyberbullying. Among those present at Wednesday’s press conference were San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg, State Sen. José Menéndez, Police Chief William McManus, City Councilwoman Ana Sandoval and City Councilman Clayton

David’s Law Ready for Governor’s Signature

A law aimed at preventing and combating cyber-bullying is headed to Texas Governor Greg Abbot’s desk after receiving a majority of votes in the House of Representatives and an unanimous vote in the Texas Senate. The new measure, Senate Bill 179, is dubbed David’s Law after David Molak, a 16-year-old Alamo Heights High School student

Texas Senate Passes Anti-Bullying Bill Named for SA Student

The Texas Senate unanimously approved Senate Bill 179, legislation that cracks down on bullying in the state’s public schools. SB 179 was introduced in the Senate by State Senator Jose Menendez. In January, Menendez called for the passage of the bill saying, “Cyberbullying is a crisis in Texas and across the nation. Families need our

Texas Senate Approves Anti-Trans Bathroom Bill

In what is called a “third reading,” the Texas Senate voted on March 15 to approve Senate Bill 6 which bars transgender people from using the bathroom that matches their gender identity and would prohibit local ordinances from protecting trans citizens from discrimination in public accommodations. The 21-10 vote include support from one Democrat, Sen.
