Tag Archives: marriage equality

U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Consider Houston Fight Over Same-Sex Marriage Benefits

U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Consider Houston Fight Over Same-Sex Marriage Benefits

By Alexa Ura, The Texas Tribune December 4, 2017 Denying the city of Houston’s request, the U.S. Supreme Court will not review a June decision by the Texas Supreme Court, which ruled that the landmark decision legalizing same-sex marriage does not fully address the right to marriage benefits. The high court on Monday announced it

Eric Alva Marries Danny Ingram

In a ceremony on September 21 at the Bexar County Courthouse, retired Marine Staff Sergeant Eric Fidelis Alva married David Daniel (Danny) Ingram, an Army veteran and former technical analyst at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The couple was married by Judge Genie Wright with a small group of friends and family present to witness

Activists Denounce Lawsuit that Seeks to Block Benefits to Married Same-Sex Couples in Texas

Texas LGBT activists have filed amicus briefs in a case pending before the Texas Supreme Court (Pidgeon v. Harris) where the City of Houston’s ability to provide spousal benefits to married same-sex couples is being challenged. The case, brought against the City of Houston by anti-LGBT lobbyists Jonathan Saenz and Jared Woodfill, would specifically block
