Tag Archives: public bathrooms

SA Activists Set to Protest Reversal of Protections for Trans Students

SA Activists Set to Protest Reversal of Protections for Trans Students

A decision by the Trump administration to rescind protections for transgender students has hit home with San Antonio LGBT activists who are ready to take to the streets to protest the decision. The rescinded policy originated with the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice. It emphasized there is no “medical or mental health diagnosis or

Texas Judge Halts Federal Transgender Protections

A federal judge in Texas issued a temporary injunction on December 31 against efforts by the Obama administration intended to ban transgender discrimination by hospitals, the Texas Tribune reports. U.S District Judge Reed O’Connor sided with Texas, along with the religious hospital network Franciscan Alliance and four other Republican-led states, in a lawsuit that claimed

Texas Judge Issues Injunction Against Protections for Trans Students

Originally published in the San Antonio Current. A federal judge in Fort Worth ruled late Sunday that conservative states that oppose allowing trans kids in public schools to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity won’t face punishment for maintaining the status quo. U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor issued a nationwide injunction stopping

Texas, Other States File to Stop Education Dept. Trans Bathroom Policy

Thirteen states, led by Texas, today submitted a legal filing with a U.S. judge in Fort Worth asking to halt the implementation of the U.S. Education Department’s directive which says schools should allow students to use the restroom that matches their gender identity. The states say the guidelines represent unlawful “radical changes.” The hearing is

Restroom Issue Prompts SA Trans Teen to Speak Out

A San Antonio trans teenager is sharing her story of being bullied by classmates when, because of school policy, she had to use the boy’s restroom. In an interview with KABB-TV, Catizia Izzy Farris said, “People would throw water bottles at me they would push me into the stall. They would cuss at me a
