
National Episcopal Church Urges Defeat of Texas “Bathroom Bill”

National Episcopal Church Urges Defeat of Texas “Bathroom Bill”

By Alexa Ura, The Texas Tribune July 20, 2017 As the Texas Senate prepares to consider legislation to restrict bathroom use for transgender Texans in legislative overtime, the national Episcopal Church is renewing its opposition to such proposals. Citing the “emotional and spiritual damage that discrimination does to transgender people,” top leaders of the national

Texas Senate to Open Discussion on Anti-Trans Bathroom Bills

Texas Senate to Open Discussion on Anti-Trans Bathroom Bills

The Texas Legislature’s Senate Committee on State Affairs will hear witness testimony on two anti-trans bathroom bills introduced by state Sen. Lois W. Kolkhorst (R-Brenham) for consideration during the Special Legislative Session. The Senate hearing is slated for Friday, July 21st, starting at 9:00 a.m. in Capitol Extension Room E1.036. The bills, Senate Bill 3

At the Texas Capitol, bathroom bill debate revs back up

At the Texas Capitol, bathroom bill debate revs back up

By Alexa Ura, The Texas Tribune July 18, 2017 There’s a slight sense of déjà vu at the Texas Capitol. Legislative proposals to regulate bathroom use for transgender Texans are rolling in. LGBT advocates are fiercely denouncing them as discriminatory. Fearing economic fallout, business groups and corporations are rallying in opposition. And the leaders of

Gay Dallas Businessman Throws Hat into Governor’s Race

Gay Dallas Businessman Throws Hat into Governor’s Race

A gay businessman from Dallas announced on Friday, July 14 that he has filed the necessary paperwork to initiate a run for Governor of Texas as a Democrat, becoming the first candidate to challenge incumbent Greg Abbott in the 2018 race. Jeffrey Payne, owner of the the Dallas Eagle and four other businesses, told KTVT-TV

IBM Kicks Off Major Campaign Against Texas Legislature’s Bathroom Bill

IBM Kicks Off Major Campaign Against Texas Legislature’s Bathroom Bill

Originally published in the San Antonio Current. With the Texas Legislature’s special session a week away, tech company IBM has ramped up its efforts to oppose the s0-called “bathroom bill” for its discriminatory effects against transgender Texans. The company, which has 10,000 employees in Texas purchased full-page advertisements in the Dallas Morning News, San Antonio

Supporting Transgender Kids Is Child Abuse Says Texas State Rep

Supporting Transgender Kids Is Child Abuse Says Texas State Rep

A state representative from McKinney, Texas says that transgender children are mentally ill and letting them express their gender identities is tantamount to child abuse. The remarks were made by state Rep. Scott Sanford during a panel discussion on bathroom privacy legislation which was produced by CBS DFW (KTVT-TV) and streamed on Facebook Live on

Anti-LGBT Bills Filed a Week Before Special Legislative Session

Anti-LGBT Bills Filed a Week Before Special Legislative Session

On July 10, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a proclamation calling members of the State Legislature to a Special Legislative Session which is set to begin on July 18. Within hours of the governor’s announcement, two lawmakers filed three bills which would affect transgender Texans’ bathroom use and threaten the protections LGBT citizens have under

In Recently-Released Video, Texas Dad Defends Transgender Son

In Recently-Released Video, Texas Dad Defends Transgender Son

A video released by Equality Texas last week features a dad from Little Elm, Texas speaking out in support for his 15-year-old transgender son during the State Legislature’s 85th Legislative Session earlier this year. In the video, which was recorded in January during the debate on the proposed bathroom bill, Ken Ballard says, “I was

SA Native Adelina Anthony Premiers New Feature During PBS Online Film Fest

SA Native Adelina Anthony Premiers New Feature During PBS Online Film Fest

San Antonio native and actor, playwright, director Adelina Anthony premiers her newest film this month as part of the 2017 PBS Online Film Festival. Anthony, who was born on San Antonio’s West Side and now lives and works in the San Francisco Bay area, will unveil Amigas with Benefits, which will be available for viewing

Chris Forbrich to Head Committee that Assists County’s Small and Minority Businesses

Chris Forbrich to Head Committee that Assists County’s Small and Minority Businesses

Local gay businessman Chris Forbrich has been elected chairman of the Bexar County SMWBE Program Advisory Committee, a group that works with the county to increase small, minority and women-owned business participation and procurement in Bexar County projects. According to the Bexar County SMWBE (Small, Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise) Program website, there are over 45,000
