Tag Archives: trans issues

Two Men, a Dog, a Van and a Baby: A San Antonio Couple’s Trans Pregnancy Journey

Two Men, a Dog, a Van and a Baby: A San Antonio Couple’s Trans Pregnancy Journey

Originally published in the San Antonio Current. Stephan Gaeth sings, “Two gay men and one bus travelling around the country with a baby and a doggo! Ba-bum, ba-bum, yeah!” This is how Gaeth, 27, sums up his future with fiancé Wyley Simpson, 27. He belts out their theme song so casually because, to him and

Body Talk: An Argument for Trans Inclusion

Twitter is a cesspool of meme culture that one must immerse oneself in to fully understand. And I, like millions of others, have spent way too much time on the social media site taking in the online scenery. Something in particular that has been plaguing my feed as of late has been the “Fellas, is

City of SA Stands Behind Trans Employees After AG Sessions Reverses Federal Job Protections

Officials from the City of San Antonio released statements in support of the city’s transgender employees after U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memo reversing a Justice Department policy that protected trans workers from discrimination under federal law. “Title VII’s prohibition on sex discrimination encompasses discrimination between men and women but does not encompass

Metro Health Hosts Trans Health Discussion

The City of San Antonio’s Metropolitan Health District is hosting a transgender panel discussion which will seek to shed light on health disparities that affect the trans community in San Antonio. The event, which is co-sponsored by Pride San Antonio, will be held on June 30 at the San Antonio Garden Center. According to a

Passing: How Transitioning Changed the Way I’m Perceived

“Some say you must look the part in order to play the part, but as much as gender can be performative, ultimately, it is derived from the individual’s self-determined identity regardless of appearances.” Recently, I visited my local sexual health clinic for a routine STI screening, and despite having gone to the same clinic for

Texas Senate Approves Anti-Trans Bathroom Bill

In what is called a “third reading,” the Texas Senate voted on March 15 to approve Senate Bill 6 which bars transgender people from using the bathroom that matches their gender identity and would prohibit local ordinances from protecting trans citizens from discrimination in public accommodations. The 21-10 vote include support from one Democrat, Sen.

The Trans Teacher: Brandon Beck Educates Texas

When his kindergarten teacher asked the students to line up by gender, Brandon L. Beck was confused. Did he belong in the line for boys or girls? He was assigned female at birth, but preferred acting like the boys, despite the ridicule. It was the late 1970s, and very little was known about being transgender.
