One word to eliminate the stigma Kori Ashton, founder of T-shirt company, is looking to eliminate the stigma of coming out one T-shirt (and sticker) at a time. The story behind yep Threads began when Ashton was in third grade. On the yep Threads website, she tells the story of how she was outed…
Community readies for SCOTUS marriage decision
The LGBT and allied community in San Antonio is busy preparing for the decision from the Supreme Court on whether same-sex marriage is protected by the Constitution. The eventual ruling could be a landmark moment for LGBT civil rights. The court accepted cases from four states — Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee — where restrictions…
Taylor and SA corporations AWOL on marriage equality briefs to SCOTUS
San Antonio Mayor Ivy Taylor and the city’s business community are not among those who signed amicus briefs asking the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down state laws that make same-sex marriage illegal. On March 6, 225 U.S. mayors, including six from Texas, signed an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to strike down states laws…
Why the marriage equality argument might be premature
There’s something terribly wrong with the way we report and respond to LGBT hate crimes in this country. Maybe the fight for marriage equality has distracted us from the fact that in an overwhelming majority of the U.S., the struggle to simply be a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or trans individual trumps the struggle to marry…
Travis County judge rules Texas marriage ban unconstitutional
The Austin American Statesman is reporting that a probate judge in Travis County, Texas has ruled that the state’s ban on marriage equality is unconstitutional. According to the American Statesman’s report: [Judge Guy] Herman ruled as part of an estate fight in which Austin resident Sonemaly Phrasavath sought to have her eight-year relationship to Stella…
Robert Salcido reports on Creating Change 2015
The National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change convened in Denver, Colorado, February 4-8, 2015, for it’s 27th annual conference. Those in the movement and social justice circles may very well know exactly what Creating Change is all about. For those not in the know, it is the largest gathering of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,…
The New Black: film and panel discussion
Friday, January 16 $10 suggest donation, 6-9pm McNay Art Museum, 6000 N. New Braunfels Directed by Yoruba Richen, The New Black (2013) is a documentary that shows how the African American community is struggling with gay rights, especially the recent gay marriage movement. In the film, activists, families and leaders of the church share…
5th Circuit winds up same-sex marriage hearings
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit in New Orleans held center stage today while it heard appeals of same-sex marriage cases from Texas, Mississippi and Louisiana. The three appeals were heard by Judge Jerry E. Smith (a Reagan appointee), James E. Graves (an Obama appointee) and Judge Patrick E. Higginbotham (another Regan…
Texas marriage equality fight heads to New Orleans
On January 9, the plaintiffs in the Texas marriage equality lawsuit will head to New Orleans where the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit will hear the state’s appeal of U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia’s ruling that struck down the state’s ban on same-sex marriage. The case has reached the 5th Circuit thanks…
Former sheriff voices support for marriage equality
Former Bexar County Sheriff Amadeo Ortiz is speaking out in favor of marriage equality in a campaign by Texas for Marriage which is working to “to broaden the conversation about why marriage matters to all couples and their families.” In a full page writeup on the Texas for Marriage website, Ortiz says his support for…